Think about how important your ankle is in supporting your weight and acting as a shock absorber for your body. But too often, people ignore their ankle pain, thinking it will heal on its own.
This can be very dangerous, since a sprained ankle can all too easily lead to chronic instability and daily pain. It’s important to see a doctor right away for treatment and to make sure you’re not doing any further damage to one of the most vulnerable joints in your body.
Our team of ankle pain specialists at Michfoot Surgeons PC in Southfield, Michigan, offer both traditional and alternative treatments. Making sure your ankle is strong and pain-free is our top priority.
Symptoms of a sprained ankle
Because the ankle is used daily and often, it’s easy to injure. Twisting your ankle or landing the wrong way might be enough to cause a sprain. Walking on uneven ground, missing a step or playing certain sports can all have the same painful results.
Here are four basic symptoms to keep an eye on:
- Pain
- Swelling
- Redness
- Warmth in the ankle area
What is chronic instability?
The symptoms listed above are those of an acute sprain. Chronic instability is when these symptoms are almost always present, and when you’re consistently turning your ankle or you feel that it’s always unstable.
In order to avoid this from happening, it’s best to come see the doctors at Michfoot Surgeons PC as soon as possible. Better safe than sorry should always be your mantra!
How to prevent chronic instability in your ankle
Many people know the RICE rule, which means rest, ice, compression, and elevation. This is important to do immediately after your injury. But the key to preventing any injury from becoming a chronic condition is making sure it is healed in the right way.
The specific type of injury will dictate the best course of action. Our team of ankle specialists might recommend a variety of treatments, from compression wrapping to traditional braces and casts. We’re here to make sure your sprained ankle doesn’t turn into chronic instability.
Because a sprain involves damage to the tissue and ligaments, ultrasound and electrical therapy can work wonders. We also offer alternative and regenerative treatments, like PRP (platelet-rich plasma), prolotherapy, and stem cell therapy injections.
These therapies can help reduce ankle pain and inflammation and jump-start the healing and regrowth of healthy cells.
The best way to prevent a sprained ankle from becoming chronic instability is by coming in to see us at Michfoot Surgeons PC. Let us determine the extent of the injury and the best way to proceed. Don’t ignore ankle pain. Call us or use our easy Request Appointment tool.